Sucre und Potosí

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It is the constitutional capital of Bolivia and represents one of the most important and antique cities in all of Bolivia. Its importance arises as in this city began the process of liberty in Bolivia and Latin America, the revolutionary process of the Spanish colony. Sucre is also known as "The White City in America", name marked by its history and by the color of its buildings that continues today.

Sucre known as the first venue for leading scholars and scientists gathered in one of the first and most prestigious universities of America: "Universidad Mayor Real y Pontificia San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca".

The main attractions of the city are: the Glorieta Palace, Main Square (Plaza de Armas), the Cathedral, the Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, the Freedom House, among other architectural gems of the colony that made the city of Sucre be named "Cultural Heritage of Humanity" (in 1991 by UNESCO). It is also a highlight the Asur Textile Museum in Sucre, which is intended to reveal the dazzling beauty of textiles and Tarabuco Jalq'a, complexity and depth of ethno-cultural creative thinking that has given life, and the high technical quality of the products. 

Another tourist attraction in the city of Sucre, that is very important for their cultural value is the fair of Tarabuco every Sunday in the town of the same name, in which you can see the oldest method of barter. This culture has managed to keep their customs from Inca times, the "Pujllay", proudly wearing their clothes made with ancestral processes for fabric and clothing dye. 

Other local community runs the Jatun Yampara proyect, there you will discover the daily life and the customs of this community by visiting the workshops (textiles and ceramics) and their houses. You will visit the Chicheria (native bar) where you will taste “Chicha” a sour drink made from fermented corn and the community school.

sucre, bolivia

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Sucre und Potosí

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