Sajama National Park

Travel information

The Sajama National Park is the first protected area created in Bolivia. The park characterizes by its forests of Queñua (Polylepis tarapacana) that cover more than 10,000 hm² and ascend above 5,200 meters above sea level, constituting the highest woody formation in the world. These forests of queñua, for their unique character in such heights, are of special scientific interest. Also noteworthy are the yaretales of Azorella compacta, ample wetlands and humid grasslands, and tholares of Parastrephia lepidophylla. Another relevant aspect is the presence of the dangerous threatened of extinction species of fauna such as the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna).

The area has an exceptional scenic beauty for the presence of the impotent Snowy-Sajama, High Andean lagoons, hot springs and hiking routes. Likewise, in the park and in its vicinity are archaeological and historical sites of great cultural value such as Chullpas, pictographs, pre-Columbian ruins and colonial churches, such as Curahuara de Carangas. Moreover, the NP Sajama is a neighbor of the Lauca Park in Chile and of the Ciudad de Piedras in the city of La Paz.

Sajama Park is easily accessible as it is crossed by an international highway, the Patacamaya - Tambo Quemado highway passes to the Southeast and South of the Park to the border with Chile, and of this track section departs the routes of entry more important

Sajama is located in the northwest of the city of Oruro, in the Sajama Province. The municipalities involved are Turco and Curahuara de Carangas. The Area borders the city of La Paz and the border with Chile.

From La Paz arrives at the Park passing through Patacamaya and following the road towards Tambo Quemado. You can take buses from La Paz to Arica and Iquique, or directly from Patacamaya. In this tour is advisable to enter the town of Curahuara de Carangas to admire its church. Visitors that depart from Oruro can take the road to the town of Turco to continue to Cosapa. In the case it is recommended to enter with own vehicle.

The weather is cold to frosty, with summer rains and frost all year round. The region is markedly arid with annual precipitation levels ranging between 270 and 400 mm.


Management Category: National Park.

Extent: An estimated area of 100,230 ha (1002 km2).

Location: Sajama Park is located in Oruro´s northwest, in Sajama province. The municipalities involved are Turco and Curahuara of Carangas, adjacent to the Department of La Paz and the border with Chile (Lauca National Park).

Biogeographic subregions, altitudinal and weather: Corresponds to the Puna, the altitudinal range between 4,000 and 6,542 meters above sea level, the region of Cordillera Occidental, characterized by extensive plateaus, high Andean lakes and towering volcanic cones as Payachatas and Nevado Sajama is the highest point of Bolivia. The weather is icy cold, with summer rains and ice all year.

Vegetation and flora: A total of 154 species of flora and an estimated 250 species of higher plants.


Fauna: Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), el quirquincho (Chaetophractus nationi), el gato andino o titi (Felis jacobita), el puma (Felis concolor), el suri (Pterocnemia pennata), el cóndor (Vultur gryphus), la chocka (Fulica gigantea), el parihuano (Phoenicopterus chilensis) y aves pequeñas como Asthenes arequipae, Oreomanes fraseri y Phrygilus erythronotus.

Tourism: Its scenic beauty is unmatched by the imposing presence of Nevado Sajama, altonadinas lakes, hot springs and mountain climbing routes. It is also characterized by its queñua groves covering more than 10,000 ha. up to 5,200 meters above sea level.


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